tisdag 24 januari 2012

I just want to hug every single one of you.♥

It is exactly as the title says, I just want to hug every single one of you right now. You are simply the best, I love all of you guys so much.
I signed up on deviantart 8 months ago, without having any thoughts what it would lead me to. But now, look at me! I´ve almost reached 12000 pageviews, in only 8 months!! You guys are amazing.
At first I thought I would be nothing, nothing more than a human-being posting art on the internet for no reason. Art that no one would ever look at, or even like. 
I was wrong.
Now do you guys write comments, favourite my work, likes my Facebook-page, follows me on Twitter, reads my blog. You guys simply are the best. No doubt. 
I started with photography doing mainly self-portraits and to be honest, it was pretty bad. (Watch my old pictures, you´ll see what I´m talking about..) And now, I mean, I´ve changed so much. I really am serious when I say 2011 was the best year in my life so far. It has been an amazing experience for me.
Let´s try to make 2012 even better!

Are you with me?

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