torsdag 23 februari 2012


I'm so sorry for not posting anything for weeks.
But lately, the time has just been running out of my hands. I honestly don't think I've been this busy in my entire life.
I'm on winterbreak, and so glad I am. I've been longing for a break from school for like 3 months. I've been so tired of all the tests, exams, finals etc etc.

I've been lacking inspiration and motivation for a really long time now, I don't feel like doing a photosession at all. Nothing turns out how I want it anyway.
Well, I should stop complaining and do something that will get me in a better mood.

I promise I'll be better at updating this blog!
Talk to you guys later!


tisdag 31 januari 2012

Kill my boyfriend

I always feel kinda awkward when I shoot other people than me, I´m not used to it at all. But it´s a great experience and really fun! 
It´s kinda different than my usual work, but I think it turned out pretty good anyway.
Oh, and the model´s name is Linn!

fredag 27 januari 2012


It's friday and so glad I am! My friends has gone totally insane! One of them just came up to me and shouted her heart out. Right into my ear.. I'm completely deaf now, no kidding. I'm in my swedish class now and we're listening to music really loud, our teacher doesn't even care. "it's friday, chill time", she said. So I'm enjoying myself by writing this blogpost. And sadly enough, I'm pretty sure this is quite uninteresting for you, so I'm going to stop here and get back to work. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

tisdag 24 januari 2012

I just want to hug every single one of you.♥

It is exactly as the title says, I just want to hug every single one of you right now. You are simply the best, I love all of you guys so much.
I signed up on deviantart 8 months ago, without having any thoughts what it would lead me to. But now, look at me! I´ve almost reached 12000 pageviews, in only 8 months!! You guys are amazing.
At first I thought I would be nothing, nothing more than a human-being posting art on the internet for no reason. Art that no one would ever look at, or even like. 
I was wrong.
Now do you guys write comments, favourite my work, likes my Facebook-page, follows me on Twitter, reads my blog. You guys simply are the best. No doubt. 
I started with photography doing mainly self-portraits and to be honest, it was pretty bad. (Watch my old pictures, you´ll see what I´m talking about..) And now, I mean, I´ve changed so much. I really am serious when I say 2011 was the best year in my life so far. It has been an amazing experience for me.
Let´s try to make 2012 even better!

Are you with me?

lördag 21 januari 2012

Tell the world

The coming weeks will be really busy, homeworks, exams, finals etc etc. Sometimes it just feels like all of your teachers think you don´t have any other subject than theirs. We have like 3 tests the same week, no kidding. I´ll do my best, though.

I always get a lot of questions from people asking me if I´m okay, Yes, I mostly am. Thank you for asking.
But sometimes I just want to scream my heart out and use the worst language there is, shut the door to the world and open the one to my soul and heart instead. Just to be alone, be me.
Something I really need to do more is listen to myself and be strong. Sure, you can say you´re okay while inside you´re dying. You may wonder if it would matter, if anyone care, if you should keep going? 
And YES, you should. No one deserves to be picked on, bullied or sad because of there is too many idiots in this world! 
When you´re down, do something you really love. Listen to music, write or even run out to the woods and kick a tree. Shout at it, pretend that the tree is the person you are mad at. Do whatever you want. But don´t cut, please don´t. It´s a bad thing, really bad. It gives nothing but ugly scares. You´ll regret it someday, I promise. 

Stay strong. 

I will keep you guys updated! 

fredag 20 januari 2012

Your Welcome!

I´ve got many, many mails from you guys saying that I really should get a blog. Well, this day has finally come.
To be honest, I had thought of this for a very long time, I think this will be pretty exciting. This is a whole new expierience for me! But I think it will all be fine, I love to write down my thoughts, or, just write.

I´ll try to update my blog as often as I can, I promise.
The more visitors, the more motivated I will be about this website, so visist back soon and don´t forget to tell all your friends about it!
Also, same goes for these links.!/ImRobinBerglund